School has started. The kids are excited to go back to school. Everything is new for my youngest who gets to go to Kindergarten. She likes it. For me, this marks my journey into some challenges with trying to manage my life as well as helping them manage their school work. It has begun. The process of analyzing and assessing what works and what does not work. Things keep moving faster and faster. It is not easy keeping up with three kids.
These are different times, than when my Grandmother had eight kids. She was able to stay at home with her kids. My Grandfather worked. She worked around the house. She was able to manage a lot. I remember laundry was hung out to dry on the line. Those days were simpler. I think they were able to live on one salary.
When the kids were off school and I had to continue to work, it was not easy to manage. They go to do activities when I was home. They played with friends. They did do some chores around the house. They were not motivated. There is something about going back to school and the discipline. For this I am grateful.