
There are times when I cannot think of what to do next. I am down. I am really down. I need to get back up. I want motivation. It has to come from deep within. It is always nice when someone you know has a kind word for you. When someone else can inspire or lift you up. You know you need to move forward and you don’t think you can walk another step. You told your mentor you would go the extra mile. You want to stop. The pain hurts. You know you have to keep going to achieve your goals.

As parents we are the encouragers to our kids. When kids think they can’t take on a task. We have to let them know they can complete a task. We don’t want them to give up. You hold them to the goal. You want them to succeed. You do it for them not too them. They will be better off if they do what they say they are going to do. They will reap the rewards if you give them that kind of encouragement. You believe in them and want them to achieve their goal, that you move them along the path to achieve it.


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