When you charge ahead without thinking, you suffer the consequences. Not having a plan in place can cause you to fail. When you act without thinking about why you are going to do what you are doing, you will fail. I am all for, going with gusto towards a goal. There are times when one should evaluate why they are trying to reach a goal. In the long term will it matter? What if I don’t do this task? What will happen if I don’t succeed? What is the worst that can happen? What if I do succeed? What then?
Be careful not to get bogged down in the details. That too, can cause you to fail. Children are epic chargers. They like to play. They charge ahead without much deliberation. Why can’t adults do that? When was the last time you played? Just because you want to play, does not mean you can’t plan. Doing the things that we enjoy in life can be a nice way to recharge and then charge again. When was the last time you got recharged and then charged? What is stopping you from charging? Do you have a plan? What are you waiting for? It is child’s play after all.