My cat is watching me as this is getting done. The dog is chewing a bone. The heat outside is not bearable. We make the best of it. The kids were outside for a short time. They went through the sprinkler for a while. Trying to occupy them during the day is difficult. They get bored easily. However, I don’t let that deter me. If they are bored, they get to help me clean the house. I let them know how much fun it is.
I want them to have a mindset that just because they don’t know what to do, they have the power to do something about it. They can change their mindset about their circumstances. They can learn from any situation. They don’t have to let it get the best of them. Sometimes, you don’t get what you want. When you don’t get what you want, you can just roll with it and decide what you want to do next.
Whatever, they throw at me, I have a comeback. I don’t give up on teaching them lessons, even in the ordinary days. The dog days. The fun days.