My daughter is determined. She wanted a pair of roller skates. Her own roller skates. She looked like Bambi in the skates. Her legs wanted to slide out from under her. However, she had made up her mind, that she was going to skate. She did not want to wear another pair. She wanted her own pair. She insisted. I Ild her that if we could not find some in her size, that she would have to go without. We found the perfect pair in her size. My other daughter was jealous.
My girls always want what the other one has. I want the bes for my girls. Giving them everything that they want is not a good thing. They may think that they can have everything that they want, when they want it. Life does not work that way. I want them to speak up for themselves, but I don’t want them to be spoiled.
They may roll over Mom. What is best for them is to get that everything will not be handed to them, that they have to work for it, and sometimes life is not fair. You can roll with it, but you don’t have to get rolled over.