Leave Nothing Unsaid

This weekend, I listened to a talk about not giving up and why it is important to stick with something. Also, the importance of being a part of a specific community was mentioned. The speaker talked about how he had be friended someone, who was just like him several years ago. His friend passed away recently. However, this man had left nothing unsaid to his kids and family. I let the tears flow as I heard this speaker. It was very emotional. I saw other cry. I saw a son hug his Dad right then and there.

Some speakers use emotions to bring home their message. This message got me thinking. What does it mean to leave nothing unsaid? What does it mean for me? What does it mean for you? What does it mean to my kids? The speaker elaborated on the fact that his friend, read books to his kids every night. He also mentioned how much his wife meant to him. She knew it. She could say, nothing was left unsaid. She was taken care of. He had left them off in a great emotional place.

We don’t know the hour and time of our last words. Are our words the truth? Are they what should be shared? Are they inspiring and life giving? Or are they hurtful and soul sucking? There is so much more to life. Do your friends and family know how you feel about them? Do they feel appreciated and cared for?

I will read to my kids every night and make sure that the people I care about know it. I don’t want angry words to be the last words I have with someone. It is difficult to carry out, but not impossible.

Leave Nothing Unsaid.

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