Today we have a lot of snow. The kids were happy because they got to play out in the snow. They built a fort. They did not have school. It is still coming down. They don’t want to go sledding. It is just enough for them to build the snow fort. They are inside now.
We will have hot chocolate soon. I am working from home. I am doing what I can while they are here. My husband is home. I am thinking about what to make for dinner. I did get a chance to peak outside and see them building the fort. I did see take a photograph and shared it with family.
I have relatives that have warm weather. They do not have to worry about the snow. I am sure they are making memories of their own. Part of the reason, I keep up on my blog and videos, is so that my kids will see how much I cared. I hope they see how much I actually did care about them every day. I hope they see this before it is urgent. Before, they realize that one day I may be gone. I also hope that they remember when I brought them hot coco after they played outside in the snow.