
My son is older now. He wants to make his own decisions. He does not want to get his hair cut. He finally agreed to get it cut, but the way he wanted it to get cut. It turned out great. He is happy. We are happy. I try to instill in my kids that they can express themselves, but not look unkempt.

When we go out we don’t have to wear the most expensive clothes. They just can’t look like they just woke up, with wrinkled clothes, holes in their pants, and hair not brushed. Sometimes, it takes negotiation. We have to make a compromise.

There are things that we will compromise on. There are things that we agree that we cannot compromise on. They have to learn to read, write, spell, and do math. If they do not learn the basics, we cannot take their education further. We need to have them up to speed on the basics, before we throw more advanced concepts at them.

They are not learning the advanced concepts at school. Some schools may teach them some more advanced concepts. Some schools may go into one specific area. Maybe religion. I don’t think focusing on one topic is what is needed. I will not compromise their education.

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