
Today I learned a few things just from conversations. I am grateful to have conversations with people who are positive. I learned that it is best to form your sentences in a positive light. Be positive. This goes for external and internal dialogue.

This may be hard to do in the heat of the moment. Words can be used to hurt or they can be used to heal. I want to use my words to heal. This is so important with children around.

They pick up every little thing you say and do. So why not make it positive? When they are little they pick up everything until they are seven years old. What kind of impression are you leaving on them? I used to ask parents to think about what they were doing before they would strike a child.

I was pretty bold. If you wanted to hit your child in front of me, I would stop you. I was pretty determined. However, as time went one, I became a parent to my children and realized there were times when they should be spanked. This should never be done out of anger or disgust. There should be no negative emotions attached to this. I had to reflect on why I wanted to spank them. I had to ask if it was necessary. Did I listen to what they were telling me?

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