
When I go home today, the sitter advised that my daughter had torn up her paper because she pointed out that my daughter told a lie. I have to have a discussion with my daughter. She advised me that she did not have pencils to do her homework and that is why she tore up her paper.

This is not acceptable behavior. She likes to be in control and do what she wants. My husband and I never laid out clear expectations for our children. They simply do not know what is expected. They are able to work independently on various activities. I am a bit torn on the idea of homework. Some homework is necessary to reinforce the lessons learned.  There is no clear culture.

My husband and I have some homework to do. We have to set clear expectations for our kids. We have to get them doing activities, that are a little outside of their familiar zones with guidelines.

I did find some pencils in the basement. My daughter said she would do her homework. I did not have to scold her. She sees me working on what I need to get done, before I work tomorrow. There are some behavioral issues that have to be addressed. Before, I look at my daughter, I have to look at what I am doing. I will have to sharpen my pencils and get to work.

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