
Did you ever have a day where everything went well? You knew what you had to do, and you accomplished it and then some. Today was one of those days for me.

It took extreme focus on one task at a time. I allotted only so much time, to complete each task. Then it flows from one task to another. More was accomplished. There is no such thing as multi-tasking.

My brain was fried at the end of the day. I could not wait to get home. Then I realized that I had more to do, when I got home. More ideas popped into my head, as if it was streaming.

I realized that I had more to create. More to write. More to do. In a good way, the thoughts started flowing. At the same time, I felt as if I worked hard and can have a peaceful nights rest, dreaming of being on a boat perhaps.

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Super Heros

End of the year