Pay attention to me

Working with my kids on a lazy Sunday afternoon, is not easy. I want to get my mind ready for the week and finish up projects before Monday rolls around. My daughters wanted to play a game with me. So, I stopped everything and played a game with them.

I go into my office area, that does not have doors and start planning my week. This month is packed full of activities. My other daughter wants me to play with her new sticker book. I stop and help her create faces from the stickers provided.

I start working again after a flying pig is created and purple cow. Both of the girls are working in the books.  My kids are vying for my attention. They gladly tear out the creations and give them to me to take to work.

Thoughts of things that I have to do are coming up. However, I am reminded to pay attention to them and only them at that particular moment. After all, it is the quality of the time spent with them that is important.

It is difficult to get and keep attention in this world full of so many distractions. It is also nice to slow down and pay attention to them.

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Tail wagging
