My daughter was riding her bike in the neighborhood. She fell off of it and onto the sidewalk. Of course, she was upset. I asked her if she was okay, and gave her a hug. She got back on the bike and continued. A neighbor was watching. He said, “It is just like life, you fall down, and you get back up again.”
There are times, in which I want to pick myself up off the proverbial ground. Every once in a while there are those times where I sit there and wallow in self-pity. It does not last long. I realize that I am the one who has to pick myself up. If there is a problem, which upsets me, I have to find the solution or make it better for myself and my family.
There are times when I question what I am doing. I have lost sight of a long term goal. It is time to get the goal back in my sights. I have to take steps to execute my goals. Times get tough. Without my vision in mind, I can’t pick myself up. No one else is going to help me.
Instead of looking at my bruises and cuts in life, I am going to pick myself up, get back on the bike, and ride feeling the wind in my face and laughing.