
When I decided to walk into my first Toastmasters meeting, I did not know what to expect. I knew I wanted to change. My now friend, who was President of the club asked for volunteers during the meeting. I agreed to help out. I was not prepared. Getting in front of strangers and speaking to them was awkward. My knees were knocking and my brain could not focus on what I was just told to do. I was nervous. There was no baking out. There were some ums, ands, and ahs; also know as filler words. I knew nothing about being a speaker. However, I was compelled to try. Somehow, I knew I would become a Professional Speaker.

My friend was also looking for a club officer. I volunteered to help as a club officer. I have been a club officer for the past few years. I doubted myself at first. I did not want to mess this up. However, I have learned throughout this process. My leadership skills and personal confidence has grown. In the back of my mind, I heard the words “stretch.” All this was so new. I had other obligations and a family.

I am currently pursuing some of the highest honors you can achieve in Toastmasters. There were times when I wanted to quit. Once again, I heard the word “stretch.” There are other activities that I have to pursue.

There is no such thought of quitting only prioritizing every activity. It is a juggling act. Yes, I have to stretch. In the process I have grown in my knowledge, confidence, and skills. This is all because of simple philosophy I have “stretch.”

So, the next time you have a little doubt or fear just hear the word “stretch,” and you can.



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And in the end it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. -Abraham Lincoln