The kids have all kinds of activities to do. They like to go places. The school takes them on field trips. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to do that as an adult? What if you could have field trips with your co-workers? It depends on who they are. What if you took a break from your normal routine every once in a while.
Adults need play time too. Adults need time to unwind. We need time to explore new places. We don’t have to go far. Just a day to change up what is going on. There are times when we can get in a rut. That is no fun. Being in a rut can drain you. Getting out of your every day routine can have it’s benefits.
Why not take a field trip? You could take your kids. You don’t have to. There are times when parents need to get away from it all. We just need to recharge and get energized. There is not doubt in my mind that a field trip is in order every once in a while. If you do some of the same things every day you don’t drain your brain power. However, it makes it harder to grow your imagination if you are always on the same ground out path. Take a field trip.