I love going to Church on Sundays. This one particular priest has the most simple way of stating what is needed in a given situation. In relationships, don’t keep score. You did this and you did that don’t do that. Always pray for everyone including your family. Just play fair. Do the right thing. It may not be the easy part. it may be the road that is most difficult. There may be pain and struggle. Your inner conscious tells what is wrong and what is right. Follow your inner conscious. If all else fails seek a trusted mentor out.
Archive: Jan 2016
Getting what you want is not easy.
You have to think about what you want before you try to get it. There has to be a plan in place. If you are not prepared, you may not get the results you wanted. If you do not consider all angles you may be sorry. You may spend more than you wanted to. Someone could get hurt. It may take longer than you thought it would. Your ego could take a beating. If you don’t try again, you may have regrets. If you did not earn what you got, you are shorting yourself. If you did not have a clear picture of what you wanted, you will only get something similar but not quite right. Read more…
Take responsibility.
I own my mistakes. There is no hiding them, where I work. Everyone can see them in a report somewhere. I have to learn from them. There is a part of me that just wants to move on to something else. I don’t want to linger on the problem. What is done is done. Yes, I goofed. I admit it and move on. I try not to make the same mistake again. Since, when is that a bad thing? “Anyone who says they never make mistakes, just made one.”-Richard Branson. I only have myself to blame if I keep making the same mistakes over again. I want to change and need to change.
It will all happen when you least expect it.
When you least expect it something good happens. You realize how fortunate you are. When you force some things to happen, they may not turn out the way you want them to. However, when you do something good in the world, God will help you out. Thank you, God. We can only do what we can do. Sometimes you have to let God take over and pray. You hear about awful things in the world. You try not to focus on the negative things. If you can see the good in the world at that point or learn a lesson, then you have done what you are supposed to do.
The worst thing.
The worst feeling is when someone close to you , does not support your dreams and goals. It hurts. It makes me angry. I am not going to let it get to me, anymore. What I have to do support myself and prove it to myself. Telling the other person off, is not the best solution. Getting thick-skinned is a must. Raising myself up after getting knocked down is what I have to do. Keeping my vision in sight as I press on, is what I must do. Questioning everything and re-examining everything is what I am doing. It is not easy doing it alone. So, I must find some more mentors.
There is power in simplicity.
This is the conclusion that I cam up with several months ago. When faced with making changes, make small changes. Overtime those changes can produce different results in your life. It is all a matter of fitting those things into a system or a routine throughout your day. If you want to be organized for the next week, come up with a plan the week before. If you don’t want to fumble around in the dark in the morning, lay out your clothes and other items you need before going to work. Simple actions can make a big difference. Blogging everyday, makes me accountable and sharpens my writing skills.
Being grown up is hard.
You have choices that you can make to take action in your life. If you make a choice not to do something that can help you in the long run, you may regret that choice. When you don’t see a solution to a problem or it seems too complex, that is when it gets hard. Handle the issue in the wrong way, and you can make a huge mess. If you do the wrong thing you will suffer the consequences, and so will future generations. There is weight to our little decisions we make every day. Doing the right thing may be the hard thing. Going against the grain is the hard thing.
I am examining my options today.
It is fun to look forward to something new. Looking at old things in a different way is challenging. I am excited for the future. A new year of opportunities. Making choices that will better myself and help others. Making a conscious choice to do better, is something that I doing in the next year. Finding new ways to help people, even it is anonymously, is exciting. Exploring an aspect of my favorite activity and using it to help others is what gets me up in the morning. No same old same old, any more. If I can’t help someone in some small way each and every day by my words or actions, then I have failed at the most basic of humanities needs.